Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Real-Life Partners 2020 Revealed! |⭐ OSSA

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Hey Brooklyn 99 fans, have we got a treat for you! Get ready for the ultimate list of the Brooklyn 99 cast relationships - the good, the bad, and the funny!
    That’s right, we’re checking out the B99 partners and all the real-life relationships of the Brookyln Nine-Nine cast! Sure, Jake and Amy might be cute together, but off-screen, their romances with Joanna Newsom and David Fumero are just as great!
    Also, the actress behind Gina managed to find her real-life romance with Jordan Peele. So join us as we unravel the real love lives of Andy Samberg (Jake Peralta), Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews), Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), Captain Holt (Andre Baugher), Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero), Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti) and, of course, Hitchcock and Scully.
    We have all the romance details for your favorite Brooklyn Nine Nine cast members, so stay tuned and keep watching OSSA for all the best celeb videos!
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Комментарии • 797

  • @OSSAchannel
    @OSSAchannel  2 года назад +289

    Which characters from Brooklyn Nine-Nine would make a good match?

    • @svshhsbs
      @svshhsbs 2 года назад

      F cc tf ftc

    • @caleblargs
      @caleblargs 2 года назад +65

      Jake & Amy
      You can’t say otherwise

    • @djaafardjaafar7381
      @djaafardjaafar7381 2 года назад +16

      @@caleblargs yeah best sitcom couple ever made perefectly written

    • @ankitpati3406
      @ankitpati3406 2 года назад +4

      Terry was the best one. Thing about marrying your friend is something i believe in too

    • @Annielikesbread135
      @Annielikesbread135 2 года назад +3

      @genesis :3 definitely 👍

  • @disappointedramsay1152
    @disappointedramsay1152 3 года назад +4049

    Smiling Rosa, Holt with a Woman, Hitchcock commiting to one woman, What the absolute mindfuck

    • @maiahehe8108
      @maiahehe8108 3 года назад +43


    • @-.sxge.-1625
      @-.sxge.-1625 3 года назад +16


    • @jadeandblood
      @jadeandblood 3 года назад +96

      Only shows how professional their acting was! It looked so real to me 🙏😳

    • @Saint_Wolf_
      @Saint_Wolf_ 2 года назад +74

      Go listen to Stephanie Beatriz (Rosa) talking, like in interviews, her real voice is literally Rosa's mockery voice, that's a mindfuck.

    • @nonamesoyouwontsearchitupi372
      @nonamesoyouwontsearchitupi372 2 года назад +3


  • @mg7094
    @mg7094 4 года назад +8396

    Is anyone else amazed that nearly all actors in this show are in wonderful, real, longterm relationships? Seems so rare and precious in acting circles. Makes me think they must really be wonderful people.

    • @gayathriramesh4089
      @gayathriramesh4089 4 года назад +108

      That's y they nailed the serious
      They all are really good humans as shown in the series❤

    • @lMuffinSrUsl
      @lMuffinSrUsl 4 года назад +94

      At every interval after the commentator mentions something about "x years later" my head kept filling in the blanks with "they got divorced" lol.

    • @bishakhagupta4913
      @bishakhagupta4913 3 года назад +8

      This is what I was going to comment 🥺❤️

    • @nurulatiqah3847
      @nurulatiqah3847 3 года назад +6

      1st thing in my mind after watching the video. Much2 respect for them especially the older actors

    • @portraita2679
      @portraita2679 3 года назад +13

      I really just know now that Andy Samberg had been married 😂.. but I'm glad too, that almost all of them (the casts) are have a good privacy to their loved ones.

  • @mitzi1644
    @mitzi1644 4 года назад +7526

    a lot of people don’t know this but Chelsea peretti (gina) and Andy samberg (jake) have also been friend irl since they were kids :)

    • @dogmaniac1238
      @dogmaniac1238 3 года назад +23

      No everyone knows you dumbass

    • @mrnicopico2778
      @mrnicopico2778 3 года назад +130

      @@dogmaniac1238 irl dumbass can you read

    • @juanestebantorre6348
      @juanestebantorre6348 3 года назад +153

      How cool is that

    • @dogmaniac1238
      @dogmaniac1238 3 года назад +19

      @@mrnicopico2778 I don’t get the point of what I’m saying. I’m saying everyone knew Chelsea Prietti and Andy Samberg were friends since they were kids not jake and Gina so next time read you dumbass

    • @mthompson3509
      @mthompson3509 3 года назад +201

      @@dogmaniac1238 no not everyone knows

  • @thisismyrealname1395
    @thisismyrealname1395 4 года назад +5857

    Joe went full Boyle 😂😂

  • @AtheneHolder
    @AtheneHolder 3 года назад +2731

    the fact that Gina is married to Jordan Peele in real life is so hilarious... oh to be a fly on the wall in their house lol

    • @PortgasDASCE
      @PortgasDASCE 3 года назад +178

      I feel like the household dynamic would be funny as hell actually 😂

    • @connorstiles1001
      @connorstiles1001 3 года назад +3


    • @ezequielmartinez556
      @ezequielmartinez556 3 года назад +4

      I was thinking the same

    • @sauce770
      @sauce770 Год назад +4

      "To be a fly on the wall in their house" is the most hilarious thing I've heard this year xD

  • @spaceman6215
    @spaceman6215 3 года назад +1076

    Hitchcock and Skully being true romantics is the oddest but most lovely thing.

  • @aleezabandukwala2754
    @aleezabandukwala2754 3 года назад +3870

    Amy Santiago had a strict rule to not date cops, and then she married Jake later. Melissa had a strict rule to not date actors and then she married one later!!

    • @strrts5135
      @strrts5135 3 года назад +9

      Yes lol!

    • @leavemealone802
      @leavemealone802 3 года назад +26

      Fiction copies reality

    • @wpg5225
      @wpg5225 2 года назад +7

      Should've either said earlier or switch them chronologically. Amy actions was later than Melissa.

    • @joelladuncan698
      @joelladuncan698 2 года назад

      @@wpg5225 bruh nobody cares except you lol

    • @afmwaves
      @afmwaves 2 года назад +1

      Thank you very much for the spoilers :(

  • @BlueCthulu
    @BlueCthulu 4 года назад +3401

    So the puzzle maker that Amy had a crush on and Jake was jealous of was actually her husband!?

    • @daxc9332
      @daxc9332 4 года назад +61


    • @spk4834
      @spk4834 4 года назад +20


    • @spk4834
      @spk4834 4 года назад +42

      I knew
      David fumero
      He is Melissa's mtv crush

    • @abaranjitabalaji3914
      @abaranjitabalaji3914 3 года назад +15

      Uh- doi 🙄🤣

    • @franklyrahat
      @franklyrahat 3 года назад +49

      Thinking of that makes me so jealous and sad for jake. Although it's just acting!

  • @The_ATF_
    @The_ATF_ 4 года назад +806

    The actor who plays Hitchcock is like the opposite of the character Hitchcock

  • @ftblfan7113
    @ftblfan7113 4 года назад +2103

    It’s so weird seeing Rosa so calm and nice

    • @laodieidiskdish
      @laodieidiskdish 3 года назад +13

      I literally love her

    • @ftblfan7113
      @ftblfan7113 3 года назад +1

      @@laodieidiskdish same bruh

    • @hoo52
      @hoo52 2 года назад +6

      XD u should search mirabel voice actress HAHAHAHH

    • @thechadpenguin5238
      @thechadpenguin5238 2 года назад +1

      @@hoo52 Rosa is mirabels actor

    • @hoo52
      @hoo52 2 года назад +1

      @@thechadpenguin5238 thats why i said they should search it

  • @chelseaw2086
    @chelseaw2086 4 года назад +908

    Hitchcock will never be described as a “one woman man” but I love that Dirk Blocker is 😅

    • @helvete983
      @helvete983 3 года назад +25

      Hate to say it but Dirk Blocker is a better detective name than Hitchcock.

  • @sanskritideva5342
    @sanskritideva5342 4 года назад +4456

    Amy’s married to the Puzzle Master!

  • @emmet1628
    @emmet1628 4 года назад +5510

    It's so weird seeing Holt with a girl!

    • @Hitemrightandleft
      @Hitemrightandleft 4 года назад +74

      Very true

    • @raiyangamer8741
      @raiyangamer8741 4 года назад +107

      exactly in move he told that he is a gay but in real life he is already married with woman that so weird .

    • @AaBb-vg7zn
      @AaBb-vg7zn 4 года назад +10


    • @urvashikumra4935
      @urvashikumra4935 4 года назад +94

      lol ikr! I was like- oh yeah... almost forgot that movies and tv shows aren't real life...

    • @bigjohnno918
      @bigjohnno918 4 года назад +3


  • @k.r.truthseeker7156
    @k.r.truthseeker7156 11 месяцев назад +33

    RIP Andre ....aka B99 Capt Raymond Holt aka Corporal Thomas Searls from the movie Glory. 😢

  • @krutipathak817
    @krutipathak817 4 года назад +402

    It's lovely to see all of the cast in long term relationship. I've actually never seen cast this good in real life too.

  • @pramodch5589
    @pramodch5589 4 года назад +1610

    Anyone else get rlly excited when they saw jake and Amy together in the thumb nail

  • @cristianaxxxxel7266
    @cristianaxxxxel7266 3 года назад +82

    Skully originally being a singer for Opera is beautiful

  • @evano486
    @evano486 4 года назад +401

    I love that they all keep their families private. Being a kid of a famous person seems hard in the internet age. Wishing the best for all of them💞

  • @kateknight1393
    @kateknight1393 4 года назад +512

    Funny how close gins last name is to her actual one

    • @ha888881
      @ha888881 4 года назад +91

      Spaghetti confetti

    • @CG-cl5hw
      @CG-cl5hw 4 года назад +70

      It’s cause the character is based around her and Andy and Chelsea new each over when they were younger

    • @luciosbiggestfan
      @luciosbiggestfan 3 года назад +18

      and terries name is terry

    • @arbazann
      @arbazann 4 месяца назад

      Wait till you hear about Terry

  • @valeno6127
    @valeno6127 4 года назад +160

    Terry is literally the Dad he is in the show

  • @rrtkddigimon0
    @rrtkddigimon0 3 года назад +1328

    Ok, but can we talk about the "I went to an art gallery and kept staring at the boobs. There were boobs everywhere!" bit?
    That's gold. That's _pure gold._

  • @tunkunrunk
    @tunkunrunk 2 года назад +128

    Andre Braugher is so good as captain Raymond Holt , they made a very good choice when they gave him the role

    • @NLyiM6772
      @NLyiM6772 6 месяцев назад +1

      absolutely.. RIP to him

    • @tunkunrunk
      @tunkunrunk 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@NLyiM6772 is he dead ?

    • @NLyiM6772
      @NLyiM6772 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@tunkunrunk yes, he died from cancer a year ago 💔

  • @Sweatersss
    @Sweatersss 4 года назад +169

    That Soraing wedding officator sounds EXCATLY like who Gina would have had do her wedding

  • @aishwaryasudan1290
    @aishwaryasudan1290 4 года назад +191

    It's awesome that all of these actors have such wholesome family lives

  • @ziggyzigz
    @ziggyzigz 3 года назад +121

    Chelsea pretti and Jordan peele are my favorite but the amount that Terry crews and his wife went through and are still together always amazes me so it's a hard choice

  • @michaeltadiwa4774
    @michaeltadiwa4774 3 года назад +116

    A cast where everyone seems to be well adjusted,very rare

  • @bernienelson8926
    @bernienelson8926 4 года назад +330

    The most shocking thing in this video was seeing Chelsea Peretti one-up Beyonce's pregnancy announcement by saying "Beyonce schmyonce" - GINA WOULD NEVER!

  • @janferdus
    @janferdus 4 года назад +193

    So happy that Amy is married to the Puzzlemaster who Jake was jealous of 😂 love it 💜

  • @sniceciller5369
    @sniceciller5369 Год назад +31

    RIP Andre Braugher

  • @diyav8187
    @diyav8187 4 года назад +807

    I can't wait for season 8!!!!! omgggg it's just too long a wait

    • @madisynh999
      @madisynh999 4 года назад +1


    • @yolanreddy2701
      @yolanreddy2701 4 года назад

      When it's coming out

    • @diyav8187
      @diyav8187 4 года назад +19

      @@yolanreddy2701 earlier they assumed it would have already come out in September this year but after the pandemic no date has been given. 🥺😭

    • @abhirajbhushan4346
      @abhirajbhushan4346 4 года назад +3

      This pandemic is good and bad!

    • @Jasper-ms8vi
      @Jasper-ms8vi 4 года назад +3

      where can you watch season 6,7

  • @rolldecode
    @rolldecode 3 года назад +66

    I love that some of them had their partners on the show, I think that's brilliant!

  • @AgentN-s5u
    @AgentN-s5u 8 месяцев назад +27

    Rip to Andre Braugher

  • @pottersky1
    @pottersky1 3 года назад +38

    Knowing the Dirk Blacker and Joel McKinnon Miller have actual love lives is so reassuring.

    • @PurpleTomDayR
      @PurpleTomDayR 2 года назад +1

      Especially since they both have horrible relationships on show

  • @slotholopolis2314
    @slotholopolis2314 3 года назад +49

    I'd vote for Terry Crews in literally any situation. That dude is awesome.

  • @ultramareen
    @ultramareen 3 года назад +22

    this is the only show where i actually like all the cast irl

  • @karthiks3133
    @karthiks3133 3 года назад +49

    9:32 I can imagine Amy going “oh mama” 😂

  • @MJMJ-xd5sd
    @MJMJ-xd5sd 3 года назад +19

    The Hitchcock's fact and prison scene were absolutely mind blowing. Cool

  • @madisynh999
    @madisynh999 4 года назад +295

    For me when I see couple in shows then when I see there real couple I’m like WHAT GET AWAY THERE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH HIM! Jake and Amy are perfect for each other.

    • @favourakinnagbe1503
      @favourakinnagbe1503 4 года назад +2


    • @AaBb-vg7zn
      @AaBb-vg7zn 4 года назад +2


    • @sethmgadisonYT
      @sethmgadisonYT 4 года назад +3


    • @cleanixx5343
      @cleanixx5343 3 года назад +40

      Jake and Amy ARE perfect for each other but that doesn’t mean that Andy and Melissa are perfect for each other. I personally just find it impressive how great they still act it.

  • @ElisaBiaGomes
    @ElisaBiaGomes 3 года назад +9

    This video was much more satisfying than I anticipated.

  • @lonut6111
    @lonut6111 4 года назад +140

    I like how in the thumbnail it shows amy hugging jake but then amy has another husband

  • @unknown404exe
    @unknown404exe 9 месяцев назад +8

    Who else is watching this after finding out Andre ( Capt Holt ) died ☹️

  • @jamestnov41945
    @jamestnov41945 2 года назад +7

    I started watching this show just two years ago and have been hooked. Lovely to see all the characters happy.

  • @lumenardens
    @lumenardens 3 года назад +33

    Omg so Joe had the Boyle situation in actual real life 😆

  • @susejheyr007
    @susejheyr007 4 года назад +21


  • @dalegaming9695
    @dalegaming9695 Год назад +14

    Rip holt you will be missed

  • @fabiolagon8335
    @fabiolagon8335 2 года назад +6

    David Fumero appears as that puzzle guy Melissa’s character loves so much! Just like real life she was his fan!

  • @kateknight1393
    @kateknight1393 4 года назад +737

    I wish Andy and Mellisa were actually dating

    • @jameshilton4766
      @jameshilton4766 4 года назад +5


    • @mayurakshighose
      @mayurakshighose 4 года назад +122

      Me too but they are happy with their respective partners and have a pretty healthy relationship with them so yeah I'm happy anyway.

    • @Layla-we6wg
      @Layla-we6wg 4 года назад +3

      Yea same they would be perfect together

    • @dylanpacking
      @dylanpacking 4 года назад


    • @juladoppner9695
      @juladoppner9695 4 года назад +4


  • @Cthulhu92
    @Cthulhu92 Год назад +6

    Terry Crews is one of my favorite actors. I love him as a person, and an actor! Such a great, positive, genuine guy and has respect and admiration for anyone that is a fan of his! Love him so much!!!

  • @amsyarwan3075
    @amsyarwan3075 4 года назад +73

    Charles Boyle wife is a beauty

    • @Shrimpyyyyyyyy
      @Shrimpyyyyyyyy 4 года назад +10

      Dirk Blocker sounds like a fake name Jake and Boyle would come up with 🤣

    • @geministargazer9830
      @geministargazer9830 3 года назад +1

      I think they all have very attractive partners

  • @22richardsmith
    @22richardsmith 3 года назад +21

    In the words of Michael Scott “I loved them all, every single one”

  • @AQCorner
    @AQCorner 3 года назад +16

    Melissa Fumeros husband was also on an episode of B99 as Vin, the puzzle-solving model

  • @KatlyLisah
    @KatlyLisah 4 года назад +29

    Gina and Peele!!!! Gosh I didn't see this one coming 😍

  • @LozzaLuvs22
    @LozzaLuvs22 2 года назад +4

    Jake had a right to be worried about the puzzle maker 😂

  • @gabesarti7184
    @gabesarti7184 3 года назад +17

    I love all of these actors. They all seem like people I would love to meet in real life.

  • @mateletanelu5270
    @mateletanelu5270 4 года назад +40

    Wait gina is dating the sweating meme guy!?

  • @kanishkac1292
    @kanishkac1292 4 года назад +63

    Did anyone else notice the Chelsea Perriti’s husband was a meme

    • @daddylonglegs3420
      @daddylonglegs3420 4 года назад +26

      you mean key and peele? the iconic comedy duo? way more than a meme, bud.

    • @edg8762
      @edg8762 3 года назад +7

      He's a renowned director and iconic comedian dude

    • @kanishkac1292
      @kanishkac1292 3 года назад +1

      @@daddylonglegs3420 sorry I didn’t know

    • @ashleysong2143
      @ashleysong2143 3 года назад +3

      @@kanishkac1292 he is the director for movies "Get Out" And "Us"

    • @Dark_Saibot
      @Dark_Saibot 3 года назад

      Now that u mention it

  • @tashalove9498
    @tashalove9498 4 года назад +36

    Awe what terry said about love 🥺🥰 they know the good and bad about you and still love you anyways

  • @cud9104
    @cud9104 3 года назад +16

    "the most perfect casts in a show does not exist"
    b99: hol up-

  • @whvsmila
    @whvsmila 9 месяцев назад +2

    7:02 ill recognize "im joining TWITTERRRRRRR 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥" from a mile away

  • @rainman42
    @rainman42 4 года назад +41

    omg Melissa is so got DAYUM the type of woman you want to marry...whew

    • @iluvelephants2much
      @iluvelephants2much 2 года назад

      for real. you just look at her and fall in love instantly

  • @trisunarso
    @trisunarso 9 месяцев назад +5

    RIP Andre Braugher....

  • @TheFinalflame_Official
    @TheFinalflame_Official 9 месяцев назад +2

    It’s kinda funny how Amy had a rule about not dating cops and her actress had the same about actors!

  • @AlkaliFrFr
    @AlkaliFrFr 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hitchcock irl is the complete opposite of his character in b99 🤣🤣

  • @imaniislander755
    @imaniislander755 2 года назад +9

    OMG everyone is so cute im glad there happily married

  • @shubhambisht6946
    @shubhambisht6946 3 года назад +19

    you missed doug judy....the pontiac bandit

  • @forgedude
    @forgedude 3 года назад +11

    I married my wife after meeting with her the second time. This is also the meeting where we had our first talk. It was arranged marriage but we clicked instantly. It helped that she is a doctor and and i am a pharmacist. 10 years and two sons later i am typing this comment. Happily and proudly.

  • @alleshaxx1419
    @alleshaxx1419 4 года назад +25

    Holt is a hero in reality and in character

  • @helsapermata329
    @helsapermata329 4 года назад +24

    oww how sweet Scully and Hitchcock are ❤️

  • @MurrayJackman
    @MurrayJackman 5 месяцев назад +3

    R.I.P Captain Holt

  • @guitarbass22
    @guitarbass22 Год назад +2

    The Gina one is awesome. So glad she found Jordan Peele. I miss his and Key’s antics.

  • @snehapatro2594
    @snehapatro2594 3 года назад +4

    Andre braugher has a beautiful smile

  • @annabelle9063
    @annabelle9063 3 года назад +10

    such an amazing cast. they all seem lovely

  • @avni7044
    @avni7044 3 года назад +14

    I think the directors came up with Charles Boyle by Joe’s life story

  • @Lanwarder
    @Lanwarder 2 года назад +13

    I wish every teacher I've ever had were Andre Keith Braugher. Not just because of his character on Brooklyn 99, but for the attention you immediately pay to him whenever he's on screen no matter what show it is. The guy is a great actor, no doubt it, but somehow he's among the very few person who could talk for hours and have my full attention despite my ADD (Seriously, it took me like 10 minutes to write these 3 lines.....maybe I'm also high.....although I don't seems I have a mystery to solve)
    EditL To be clear, I wasn't making fun of people with ADD and I do truly have an ADD diagnosis along with enough diagnosis for the rest of the class...

    • @gretchendietz1599
      @gretchendietz1599 Год назад

      A became a big fan when he was on the show "Homicide" and was so happy to see him on this show and on Men of a Certain Age. He's great!

  • @teresarosemcallister2604
    @teresarosemcallister2604 4 года назад +11

    Why did it take me this long to figure out he's part of lonely island. My mind is blown🤯

  • @Red_Bishop
    @Red_Bishop 4 года назад +34

    I thought Rosa was married to Johnny Sins with that thumbnail. Wtf

  • @loadingede4089
    @loadingede4089 4 года назад +19

    I never seen rosa smile before

    • @NapQueen96
      @NapQueen96 3 года назад +2

      She has smiled several times on the show... maybe binge the whole thing again

  • @SamuelJones-f5q
    @SamuelJones-f5q Год назад +6

    Rip captain holt

  • @Ahmad_9134
    @Ahmad_9134 3 года назад +19

    Terry had 0 rotten moments, that was a stupid way to push it.
    Rotten moment would be cheating on your significant other.

  • @Shreyo.69
    @Shreyo.69 3 года назад +4

    Won't lie all the actors in the show seemed same to me irl lol 😂

  • @HollywoodFlashbackOfficial
    @HollywoodFlashbackOfficial Год назад +1

    The whole cast of B99 are amazing! I have just recently watched it and I got hooked!

  • @Salamaxter
    @Salamaxter Год назад +4

    Rip Andre irl 2024

  • @zi420s
    @zi420s 3 года назад +25

    Good show, great actors, amazing people

  • @fandomxeditz13
    @fandomxeditz13 2 года назад +1

    Amy married the puzzle maker 😂

  • @jackbishop9133
    @jackbishop9133 4 года назад +13

    honestly though I can't see amy with anybody else than jake

  • @lutheraugustine1247
    @lutheraugustine1247 3 года назад +4

    Seeing anything apart from 99 seems like this alternate universe .

  • @gavrem1872
    @gavrem1872 4 года назад +148

    Man if only Andy dated Melissa they would make a great couple

    • @wizyt2900
      @wizyt2900 4 года назад +5

      @Sudhir Dharmadhikari Because they have a lot of Romantic stuffs It was very sweet And Not to mention Very funny Respect his opinion not everyone has the same perspective as you so Back Off

    • @bruhbot2210
      @bruhbot2210 4 года назад +9

      @Sudhir Dharmadhikari I agree with you they have no right over the actors personal life and saying they ShOuLd DaTe EaCh OtHeR

    • @wizyt2900
      @wizyt2900 4 года назад

      @Idk lel Almost all of us know its acting but they look good tbh even if our ships dont happen it still is in our imagination so stop trying to force it on us, its not like if we ship them they're actually gonna get together

    • @wizyt2900
      @wizyt2900 4 года назад

      @@bruhbot2210 Its rather what they find comfortable because of the show ofc many would ship them but still its up to the actors not the fans so you dont have to be angry at them because its likely just their opinion

    • @bruhbot2210
      @bruhbot2210 4 года назад +11

      @@wizyt2900 it's not a opinion it's breaching thier personal life

  • @陳暘昇-v4w
    @陳暘昇-v4w 4 года назад +14

    I can’t be the only one who misheard dirt blocker

  • @teteeheeted
    @teteeheeted Год назад +2

    It’s so funny how good Andre Braugher is acting out what a gay man would assume a straight man would say, as a straight man

  • @neobrunacarpes
    @neobrunacarpes 4 года назад +25

    Terry and Rebecca are couple goals

  • @adityasaha1723
    @adityasaha1723 Месяц назад

    Andre Braugher saying I'm either at home or at work is the most Captain Holt thing about him. R.I.P Andre 🥹

  • @yhany8438
    @yhany8438 3 года назад +16

    Is it wierd that I still mixed up Scully and Hitchcock even though I already watch 99 twice

  • @strawberryyeyes
    @strawberryyeyes 3 года назад +4

    adam samburg’s wife actually appears in b99 too

  • @yerlad6508
    @yerlad6508 4 года назад +5

    And Gina and jake have been friends since birth in real life

  • @ReshirexOnYT
    @ReshirexOnYT 4 года назад +4

    10:00 that puzzle guy

  • @Zeking_09
    @Zeking_09 11 месяцев назад +1

    R.I.P Andre Braugher

  • @edoardo7181
    @edoardo7181 2 года назад +6

    I wish Amy and Jake would be married. They look amazing together.

  • @evanblake5252
    @evanblake5252 11 месяцев назад +4

    Pretty surprising to learn that Andre is straight, and a father. He plays a childless gay man so well. Holt was very convincing.

  • @gotchufam2964
    @gotchufam2964 2 года назад +4

    I can’t believe they had a cameo of Melissa’s actual husband in Brooklyn 99! { S5:E15 “The Puzzle Master”!!! }

    • @jasminjadearriola2178
      @jasminjadearriola2178 2 года назад +2

      Andy Samberg's Wife was also cameo, I think it was last episode in season 8